Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm back!! 5 month update.

The last five months have been absolutely amazing!! Matt and I love being parents. It is amazing how much Ella has grown up in such little time. She is getting such a distinct personality. It is perfect. So far, we have been able to see that our little girl is going to be very active like her daddy. She is just always busy and doesn't like to just 'chill out' very often. She is going to be very dramatic and is very expressive like her mommy. She is just such a sweet, sweet girl. She has the sweetest laugh that just warms your heart. She smiles all the time. Recently she has decided to make a new smiling face where she scrunches her nose and squints her eyes when she smiles. So stinking cute! Her first laugh was at Max, the bulldog. She will just light up every time she sees him, even if it is across the room.

I am so fortunate to be able to stay home with Ella. We have so much fun during the day. Getting to know your baby is a feeling that you just can't describe. I honestly don't know where the time goes each day. I am constantly busy, but have no idea what all I do, because nothing seems to get done! :) I mean, there are days that I look at the clock and it is 2:00 or so and Ella and I are still in our pajamas and there has been nothing done in the house that day! As busy and tired that I am at times, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am so thankful to be able to be home with Ella and get to hang out with her all day everyday! She is such a blessing.

The last few months have been crazy busy. Ella came in September, so we were pretty much out of touch with the real world for a month or two. By the time we started getting some sleep and getting out a little, it was Thanksgiving and the holiday rush began! We were traveling every weekend from Thanksgiving until the week before Christmas! We had 7 Christmases this year with different families! Whew!! It was great to see family and to get out a little. Needless to say, we have really enjoyed our time at home the last couple of months.

Our next few months will be pretty eventful as well! Matt and I bought a new home! It is one of Matt's dreams to get a little bungalow in the Heights area of Little Rock and "fix it up." So, that is what we did while our family is still somewhat small. We found a little house just a block away from our rent house and have lots of big plans! We closed in the middle of January and Matt and my dad have spent a few weekends working on demolition. It is going to definitely be a new adventure for us. We have a couple more weekends left on demolition and then will start the rebuilding back process. Matt has taken it pretty much down to the studds! Definitely a project. He is planning on doing most of the work himself. Fortunately, he is able to do that. My job has been to keep the baby. So, no complaints here!

That is about all that is new here since Ella has come. She has just been changing like crazy. She is growing up so big and becoming such a wonderful, sweet little girl. She is "talking" constantly. She says "da-da" all the time! Her little voice is such a perfect sound! Here are some pictures from the last few months. I will work on updating more often.. I will do better, promise!!

Our little razorback fan! Only a few weeks old.
October 2009. Our first big outing to Petit Jean National Park with Granna and Maryn. Such a beautiful day to have a picnic and take a nice drive. Ella did great!

Ella was an Elephant for Halloween this year! Didn't go anywhere. Just dressed up at home and Granna and Pops and Uncle Carl and Bebe came over.

First Football season! Typical Saturday morning in the George household!

Bath time. First time in the water. Check out the rolls. She is eating good!!

November 2009. Ella is Two months old!!! Starting to smile some.
December 2009. Going to get a Christmas tree! She loves her baby bjorn carrier!
December 2009. Ella is Three Months old!
First time in her Bumbo.
Christmas Morning. Santa brought Ella a Jewelry Box, some books and "tickle monster" gloves

January 2010. 4 months old. She is just growing up so much.
That hand is constantly in her mouth these days as we are SERIOUSLY teething. It should be any day that those pearly whites pop out! I can see them down there getting ready! (And it is obvious that Ella can feel them.. we have had a hard couple of weeks with her teething!)Ella loves her activity center. It has been nice for me too cause she will play in there by herself!We love, love, love mirrors! Here she is talking to me in the mirror. Then she saw daddy with the camera! February 2010. We have snow!Ella tried to eat snow for the first time! She didn't like the cold on her lips :)!First time to sit up by herself. This is a picture as she was falling forward. She is getting close!At 5 months old, we started some rice cereal! She loves it, but is still trying to get the tongue thing down without it all coming out.
Well, that is all for now. We are just loving every minute with our sweet girl. Matt is doing good at his job and is staying very busy! We have a wonderful church and a great community group at church. We are getting to spend more and more time with friends, too. Life is good and God has truly blessed us! We are so grateful for all of His blessings!