Friday, September 11, 2009

Still Waiting

Well, we are still waiting for Ella to come into the world! Today is her due date and there is no sign of our sweet little girl yet. I went to the doctor yesterday and everything is looking good. She is in position and I am progressing well. It looks like it could be any day now. We set an appointment for next Thursday, Sept. 17th to induce if she has not come by then. That is the latest possible day for her to stay in there and not risk any health problems. We are wanting to give her all the time she needs to be ready on her own, but we are not sure if she is just getting a little too comfortable in there or if she is just stubborn already :). Hopefully she will come on her own before next Thursday. Good news is that next week at this time, I will no longer be pregnant and I will have a little baby! Wow! I have really enjoyed being pregnant and am afraid I will kind of miss it. I guess I am just one of the truly lucky ones that didn't have it too hard. I am hoping that my labor and/or the first few months with Ella doesn't pay me back for my easy pregnancy, so I guess I shouldn't speak too soon! I am sure there are some people out there that are wanting to say really mean things to me right now when I say I have enjoyed being pregnant and it hasn't been too hard, so I will not say any more about that :)!

This past weekend, while on "Ella watch", we got to enjoy the first Razorback game of the season! Matt has ordered the game plan package on the TV so that he can be home more this football season but still not miss any games. We walked up to a cute little baby store close to our house and got Ella a new little Razorback onsie Saturday morning. (Notice I said WALKED... we are trying to get her to come see us... I hear if you walk, it starts contractions so we have been doing a lot of walking! I don't think it is true, but it can't hurt!)
The back has the back of the pig on it with its squiggly tail. It is too cute!

Our Labor Day weekend was fun. Matt's mom came to see us for the weekend and my grandmother, aunt, uncle and cousin got to come over for the game. While some of the family went to the game, we had a small party at the house for those that wanted to just stay here and watch it. Even Max put on his Razorback jersey to cheer on the hogs!
Even though we won, Max got a little bored and had to take a few naps during the game :)

I have been a little disconnected this week due to our computer crashing. I think we got it all fixed up without losing any pictures, itunes, or documents that I know of so far. Whew! That could have been bad! I am posting some pictures of Ella's room since lots of people have been asking. We just can't wait for her to be there in the little crib or to be rocking her in her rocking chair, or even to change her on her changing table. There is no mistaking it is a little girl's room with all the pink!The bed is from my brother, Eric. It was Maryn's bed. The chair was also Maryn's chair from my parent's house. We are borrowing it until Ella gets a bigger room that will fit a big comfy glider! :) The rug is one of my favorite purchases. It is pink with white polka dots! I ordered her bedding off Ebay. It is so sweet and simple! Matt painted the stripes on the accent wall. He did such a good job!

The little table is one of my grandmother Asbury's (one of the grandmothers that Ella is named after). My sister painted it white. Matt and I found the canvas in a cute little boutique in Dallas when we went on our anniversary get away. It was our "inspiration piece" as they say on HGTV! Matt's Grandma Jean (another grandmother Ella is named after) made Ella the pretty quilt on her rocking chair and I made the pillow when I was "nesting!"

Ella's changing table that I found online and diaper genie from her great Aunt Kelly and great Uncle Dale! The mirror is from her great grandma Jean. The little canvases were painted for her by my friend Emily to match our big canvas. The mobile is one of my favorite things in the room. My mom got it for me off of Etsy. It is pearls and crystals and sparkles as it spins around. I love it and I know Ella will too!

Ella's Aunt Meredith added the taffeta ruffle fabric onto the bottom of the crib and the curtains! She added it to the dotted sheer curtains and the pink silk panels! I think this just makes the room complete! They turned out perfect, better than we could have pictured!

We got Ella's bookcase at a craft show in Springdale before we moved. I have been collecting children's books for her for a long time. I hope one day she will like to come and get books to read like her cousin Maryn does.

This picture shows the pretty chandelier that Matt's mom has been saving for her room for a long time. It is light green and has flowers and leaves on it. So pretty.

As you can tell, we are ready and waiting! We are so blessed to have had such a wonderful pregnancy without any complications so far! Please pray that our sweet Ella and I stay healthy during delivery and that she is healthy and happy once she gets here. Hopefully next time I post something I will be including baby pictures and Ella will be here!


  1. Becca, your blog is precious!!! Congrats on baby Ella you will be an excellent mother and I know Matt will enjoy her so much. Her room is beautiful also. The razorback onsie-my friend acutally designs and sells them-Woo Tuck. She is the Tuck in the partnership-she is expecting also any day now. Well, I know you are so ready to hold your sweet baby, we will be praying for yall!Love ya!

  2. I LOVE Ella's room!!! You did such a great job with it! And I'm glad you have an end date in sight... even though you've enjoyed pregnancy. I was the same way, pregnancy was just so easy. I wasn't dying for it to be over. I do hope you're labor goes a little more smoothly than mine though! I'll be praying over the next week! Love you!

  3. wow what a beautiful room for such a beautiful baby. She is so lucky to have matt and becca as her parents. Love you both, grandmaw and grandpaw George
